‘The sugar in his tea: sexuality, patriarchy and sexual politics’, and ‘A response to comments: The modern significance of sexuality – and the sex drive’, reply to four comments by Marzio Barbagli, Rosella Ghigi, Roger Friedland and Eric Anderson, Sociologica, 3/2016, doi: 10.2383/85805 and doi: 10.2383/85810, available free on www.Sociologica.Mulino.it.
‘Economies of desire: Sexuality and the sex industry in the 21st century’, Economic Affairs, 35(3): 329-348, October 2015.
‘The male sexual deficit: a social fact of the 21st century’, International Sociology, 30(3): 314-335, May 2015.
‘Beauty, intelligence and height: the black holes of sociology’, Sociologica, 2/2013, doi: 10.2383/74857 available free on www.Sociologica.mulino.it
‘The ethics of beauty and style: the value of erotic capital’ , Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty, 2(1+2): 249-253, March 2012.
Feminist Myths and Magic Medicine, London: Centre for Policy Studies, January 2011.
‘Erotic capital’, European Sociological Review, 26(5): 499-518, October 2010.
‘(How) can social policy and fiscal policy recognise unpaid family work?’, Renewal, 18: 23-33, May 2010.
‘Is gender equality legislation becoming counter-productive?’, Public Policy Research, 15: 133-136, September 2008.
‘Diversity in tastes, values and preferences: Comment on Jonung and Stahlberg’, Economic Journal Watch, 5: 204-218, May 2008.
‘Feminism, research evidence and the politics of work-life balance’, Tidsskriftet Politik, special issue on The Politics of Gender Equality, Denmark, spring 2007.
‘Dancing with the devil? Essentialism and other feminist heresies’, British Journal of Sociology, 58: 123-132, March 2007.
‘Women, careers, and work-life preferences’, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, special issue edited by Amal Al-Sawad and Laurie Cohen, 34: 279-294, August 2006. Reprinted 2006 in Hungarian Journal Tudás Menedzsment
`The search for equality’ (review article), Work and Occupations, 30: 401-411, November 2003.
`Public morality versus personal choice: the failure of social attitude surveys’, British Journal of Sociology, 54: 339-45, September 2003.
`A new approach to explaining fertility patterns: preference theory’, Population and Development Review, 29: 349-74, September 2003.
`Competing family models, competing social policies’, Family Matters, 64: 51-61, May 2003.
`Lifestyle preferences as determinants of women’s differentiated labour market careers’, Work and Occupations, 29: 428-459, November 2002.
`Taking women seriously’, People and Place, 9: 1-6, December 2001, Australia: Monash University Centre for Population and Urban Research.
`Les femmes obtiennent-elles ce qu’elles veulent ou se contentent-elles de ce qu’on leur propose?’ (Do women get what they want, or accept what they are given?), Revue de l’OFCE – Observations et Diagnostics Economiques, No. 77: 297-306, April 2001, Paris: Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques. Reprinted July 2001 in Problèmes Economiques, No. 2721: 25-28.
`Models of the family, women’s role and social policy: a new perspective from Preference Theory’, European Societies, 1: 25-50, April 1999.
`The expansion of women’s part-time work in modern societies: a new perspective’, Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 4: 561-576, December 1998.
`Developing a sociology for the 21st century: Preference Theory’, British Journal of Sociology, 49: 150-162, March 1998.
`Labour mobility and employment stability: rhetoric and reality on the sex differential in labour market behaviour’, European Sociological Review, 12: 1-31, May 1996.
`The sexual division of labour and women’s heterogeneity’, British Journal of Sociology, 47: 178-188, March 1996.
`1991 Census SARs: opportunities and pitfalls in the labour market data’, Work, Employment and Society, 9: 569-582, September 1995.
`Five feminist myths about women’s employment’, British Journal of Sociology, 46: 429-455, September 1995. Reprinted pages 11-37 in Women and Management (eds) C Gatrell, C L Cooper and E E Kossek, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010.
`A century of change in occupational segregation 1891-1991′, Journal of Historical Sociology, 7: 435-454, December 1994.
`Using the LS and the SARs in the context of research on occupational change’, The OPCS Longitudinal Study Update, No. 8: 7-13, June 1994.
`Segregated and integrated occupations: a new framework for analysing social change’, European Sociological Review, 9: 289-314, December 1993.
`Refocusing research on occupational segregation: reply to Watts’, European Sociological Review, 9: 321-324, December 1993.
`The myth of rising female employment’, Work, Employment and Society, 7: 97-120, March 1993.
`Explaining trends in occupational segregation: the measurement, causes and consequences of the sexual division of labour’, European Sociological Review, 8: 127-152, September 1992.
`Grateful slaves and self-made women: fact and fantasy in women’s work orientations’, European Sociological Review, 7: 101-121, September 1991.
`Cross-national comparative research on the European Community: the EC Labour Force Surveys’, Work, Employment and Society, 5: 101-117, March 1991.
`Core and periphery in employers’ workforce strategies: evidence from the 1987 ELUS survey’, Work, Employment and Society, 4: 157-188, June 1990.
`Workforce restructuring in Europe in the 1980s’, International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 5, part 4: 167-203, March 1990.
Barriers to Business Start-Up: A study of the flow into and out of self-employment, Research Paper No. 71, London: Department of Employment, January 1990 (with others).
`Workforce restructuring, social insurance coverage and the black economy’, Journal of Social Policy, 18: 471-503, October 1989.
`Employment rights: a comparison of part-time and full-time employees’, Industrial Law Journal, 18: 69-83, June 1989.
`New recruits to self-employment in the 1980s’, Employment Gazette, 97: 286-297, June 1989.
`Identifying fast growth small firms’, Employment Gazette, 97: 29-41, January 1989.
`Self-employment in Britain: recent trends and current issues’, Work, Employment and Society, 2: 421-450, December 1988.
`Women at work: recent research on women’s employment’, review article, Work, Employment and Society, 2: 103-113, March 1988.
`Trends in the flexible workforce’, Employment Gazette, 95: 549-560, November 1987. Reprinted in Restructuring Britain, Course D314 Supplementary Readings, Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1989.
`Homeworking in Britain: key findings from the national survey of home-based workers’, Employment Gazette, 95: 92-104, February 1987. Reprinted in On Work (ed) Ray Pahl, 1988, Blackwell.
`Employers’ use of homework, outwork and freelances’, Employment Gazette, 92: 144-150, April 1984.
`Homework and outwork: national estimates from two surveys’, Employment Gazette, 92: 7-12, January 1984.
`Research based on administrative records’, Sociological Review, 31: 489-519, August 1983.
`The social consequences of high unemployment’, Journal of Social Policy, 11: 433-467, October 1982.
`Homeworking in the London clothing industry’, Employment Gazette, 90: 369-376, September 1982.
`Secondary analysis and the relationship between official and academic social research’, Sociology, 16: 12-28, February 1982. Reprinted 2012 in SAGE Secondary Data Analysis (ed) John Goodwin, London: Sage.
`Job segregation: trends in the 1970s’, Employment Gazette, 89: 521-529, December 1981.
`Integrated social data systems: the role of household censuses and surveys as sources of social, demographic and manpower data in Britain’, Social Science Information Studies, pp 13-21, October 1980.
`Homeworking: some new evidence’, Employment Gazette, 88: 1105-1110, October 1980.
`Census reports as documentary evidence: the census commentaries 1801-1951′, Sociological Review, 28: 551-580, August 1980.
`Social aspects of employment: data for policy research’, Journal of Social Policy, 9: 77-98, January 1980.
`The population census and its by-products: databases for research’, International Social Science Journal, 31: 343-352, April 1979 (English, French and Spanish editions). Spanish translation reprinted in United Nations Comisión Económica para America Latina (CEPAL) Boletín de Actividades de Censos de Población y Habitación, No. 6, June 1980, Santiago, pp 9-20.
`Sexual divisions within the labour force: occupational segregation’, Department of Employment Gazette, 86: 1264-79, November 1978.
Census Confidentiality, Microdata and Census Analysis, Occasional Paper No. 3, London: Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, 1978.
Book reviews for American Journal of Sociology; Population and Development Review; British Journal of Sociology; British Journal of Industrial Relations; International Journal of Manpower; Industrial Relations Journal; Journal of Social Policy; Journal of the Royal Statistical Society; Journal of Gender Studies; Sex Roles; Feminist Economics; Economic History Review; Work and Occupations; Sociology; Sociological Review; Social Forces; Journal of Applied Statistics; Sociologica; Work, Employment and Society; British Journal of Criminology; inter alia.
Referee for papers submitted to: European Sociological Review; International Sociology; American Journal of Sociology; American Sociological Review; British Journal of Sociology; Population and Development Review; Sociology; Sociological Review; Journal of Social Policy; Cambridge Journal of Economics; Journal of the Royal Statistical Society; Industrial Relations Journal; Human Relations; Organisation; Journal of Management Studies; British Journal of Industrial Relations; Feminist Economics; Journal of Historical Sociology; Acta Sociologica; Social Forces; Journal of Marriage and the Family; Demography; European Societies; Comparative Sociology; Social Problems; Comparative Social Research Yearbook; Gender, Work and Organisations; Sex Roles; Times Literary Supplement; and several social geography and ethnic studies journals.