‘Stratification and gender’, ‘Preference theory’, ‘Erotic capital’, and ‘Male sexual deficit’ in Encyclopedia of Sociology (eds) G Rtizer and JM Ryan, 2nd edition, New York: Blackwell, 2015.
‘Erotic capital’ and ‘Parallel relationships’ in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (ed) J D Wright, 2nd edition, Oxford: Elsevier, 2014.
‘Erotic capital: A neglected factor in research on couples’ in Marina Rupp, Olaf Kapella, Norbert F. Schneider (Eds.) (2014): Zukunft der Familie – Anforderungen an Familienpolitik und Familienwissenschaft. Tagungsband zum 4. Europäischen Fachkongress Familienforschung. Opladen, Berlin & Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich.
‘What do women really want? Crafting family policies for all women’, pp. 177-204 in Whither the Child? Causes and Consequences of Low Fertility (eds) E. Kaufmann and W. B. Wilcox, Boulder CO: Paradigm, January 2013.
‘Erotic capital, sexual markets and sexual pleasure’ pp. 27-44 in Sexuality and Health: Papers presented to the 2012 NACS conference (ed) Osmo Kontula, Helsinki: Nordic Association of Clinical Sexology, October 2012.
‘Women’s lifestyle preferences in the 21st century: Implications for family policy’, pp 177-195 in The Future of Motherhood in Western Societies: Late Fertility and Its Consequences (eds) G Beets, J Schippers and E te Velde, Dordrecht NL and New York: Springer, February 2011.
‘Ideas y valores que influyen en los comportamientos familiares’, pp. 143-215 in Encuesta de Fecundidad, Familia y Valores 2006 (ed) Margarita Delgado, Opiniones y Actitudes No. 59, Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, December 2007. (with Inés Alberdi)
`The politics of female diversity in the 21st century’, pp. 191-227 in The Future of Gender (ed) J Browne, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
‘Stratification and gender’ in Encyclopedia of Sociology (ed) G Ritzer, New York: Blackwell, 2006. Reprinted 2008 (in abbreviated form) in Concise Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (eds) G Ritzer and J M Ryan; reprinted 2010.
‘Familia y trabajo: una polarización de los estilos de vida en Gran Bretaña y España’ (Family and work: the polarisation of lifestyles in Britain and Spain), in Viejas Sociedades, Nueva Sociolgía (eds) J. Monreal, C. Díaz, and J. J. García Escríbano, Madrid: Centro de Investigaciónes Sociólogicas, September 2005.
`Lifestyle preferences’, in Encyclopedia of Career Development (ed) J H Greenhaus, Sage Reference, 2005.
`Sex differences in work-life balance goals’, pp 55-79 in Work-Life Balance in the Twenty-First Century (ed) D Houston, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
`Lifestyle preferences versus patriarchal values: causal and non-causal attitudes’, pp. 69-91 in Changing Life Patterns in Western Industrial Societies (eds) J Z Giele and E Holst, Oxford: Elsevier, January 2004.
`Parenthood’, pp. 720-722 in Encyclopedia of Population (eds) Paul Demeny and Geoffrey McNicoll, New York: Macmillan Reference, May 2003.
`De voorkeurtheorie’ pp. 89-96 in Jaarboek I Steunpunt Gelijkekansenbeleid (eds) M Michielsens, J Breda, M Van Haegendoren and J Vranken, Antwerp: Garant, 2003.
`Alternative European models of women’s roles in the family and the labour market’, pp 265-86 in The Making of the European Union – Contributions of the Social Sciences (ed) M. Haller, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2001.
`Diversity and choice in the sexual contract: models for the 21st century’, pp 165-79 in Rewriting the Sexual Contract (ed) G Dench, New Brunswick NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1999.
`Working time in Britain: non-regulation and laisser faire policies’, pp 269-303 in Yota Kravaritou (ed) The Regulation of Working Time in the European Union: Gender Perspectives, Brussels: PIE-Peter Lang SA, 1999.
`A sociological perspective on part-time work’, pp 22-70 in Between Equalization and Marginalization: Women Part-time Workers in Europe and the USA (eds) H-P Blossfeld and C Hakim, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.
`Introduction: a comparative perspective on part-time work’, pp 1-21 in Between Equalization and Marginalization: Women Part-time Workers in Europe and the USA (eds) H-P Blossfeld and C Hakim, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. (with H-P Blossfeld)
`Working time in the United Kingdom’, pp 659-693 in Legal and Contractual Limitations to Working Time in the European Community Member States, 2nd edition, (eds) R Blanpain and J Rojot, Leuven: Peeters for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 1997. (with B A Hepple)
`Theoretical and measurement issues in the analysis of occupational segregation’, pp 67-88 in Gender Specific Occupational Segregation (ed) P Beckmann, Beiträge zur Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (Monographs on Employment Research) No. 188, Nürnberg: Institute for Employment Research of the Federal Employment Services (IAB), 1996.
Contributions on the sociology of economic life, labour sociology, industrial relations, demography, political sociology, criminology, social policy, research design, research methods and social statistics in The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Sociology (ed) Gordon Marshall, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. Further contributions to the second edition, 1998.
`Social research: An overview of methods and approaches’, pp 14-18 in Directory of Social Research Organisations in the United Kingdom (eds) W Sykes, M Bulmer and M Schwerzel, London: Mansell, 1993.
`Research analysis of administrative records’, pp 131-145 in Social Research: Philosophy, Politics and Practice (ed) M Hammersley, London: Sage for the Open University, 1993.
`Unemployment, marginal work and the black economy’, pp 144-159 in Understanding Unemployment: New Perspectives on Active Labour Market Policies (ed) E McLaughlin, London: Routledge, 1992.
`On the margins of Europe? The social policy implications of women’s marginal work’ in The Implications of 1992 for Social Insurance, Cross National Research Papers (eds) S Mangen, L Hantrais and M O’Brien, London: London School of Economics, July 1990.
`Homeworking in Britain’, pp 609-632 in On Work: Historical, Comparative and Theoretical Approaches (ed) R Pahl, Oxford: Blackwell, 1988.
`Home-based work in Britain: an example of the expanding flexible workforce’ in The Changing Nature of Employment: New Forms and New Areas, Report of the EC Conference held in Paris on 19-20 June 1987, Brussels: Commission of the European Communities, 1988, pp 348-362.
`Social monitors: population censuses as social surveys’, pp 39-51 in Essays on the History of British Sociological Research (ed) M Bulmer, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.
`Integrated social data systems: the role of household censuses and surveys as sources of social, demographic and manpower data in Britain’, pp 159-168 in Information Systems in Public Administration and their Role in Economic and Social Development (ed) D Eade and J Hodgson for Data for Development International Association, Oxford: North Holland, 1981.
`Census confidentiality in Britain’, pp 132-157 in Censuses, Surveys and Privacy (ed) M Bulmer, London: Macmillan, 1979.